고지혈증 원인부터 증상, 약 부작용까지! 좋은 음식 vs 나쁜 음식 총정리

Let’s take a look at the causes of hyperlipidemia, hyperlipidemia, side effects of hyperlipidemia, good hyperlipidemia, and bad blood. Hyperlipidemia is an excessive state of lipids in the blood. This is the main risk factor of cardiovascular disease, which requires appropriate management. Understanding the causes, symptoms, treatment, and diet of hyperlipidemia helps effective prevention and management.

Causes of hyperlipidemia

From the cause of hyperlipidemia to the symptoms and side effects of medicine!<br> Good food vs. bad food summaryFrom the cause of hyperlipidemia to the symptoms and side effects of medicine!<br data-lazy-src=

Hyperlipidemia is a state of excessive lipids in the blood. It is mainly diagnosed when cholesterol and triglycerides exceed the normal range. This is known as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which can cause arteriosclerosis. The causes of hyperlipidemia can be divided into primary (primary) and secondary (infrastructure).

Primary hyperlipidemia

Premature hyperlipidemia is caused by genetic or constitutional factors.

  • Family high cholesterolemiaThis is caused by the genetic defects of the LDL receptor. The blood cholesterol levels are very high, and there is a high risk of early cardiovascular disease. This disease is inherited with an autosomal dominance, and early diagnosis and active treatment are required.
  • Family complex hyperlipidemia: This type is caused by a complex action of multiple genes. It is characterized by increasing both cholesterol and triglycerides, and there is a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Comprehensive management, such as diet, exercise, and medication, are required.

Secondary hyperlipidemia

Secondary hyperlipidemia is caused by other diseases or external factors.

  • diabetes: Insulin resistance or insulin lack of lipid metabolism. In particular, triglycerides tend to increase and HDL cholesterol tends to decrease. Learning management is important with blood sugar control.
  • Hypothyroidism: Lack of thyroid hormones leads to a decrease in lipid metabolism, which increases cholesterol levels. Thyroid hormone supplements can be improved mostly.

Lifestyle -related factors

Lifestyle also plays an important role in the development of hyperlipidemia.

  • obesityExcessive body fat causes insulin resistance and worsens lipid metabolism. In particular, abdominal obesity is a major risk factor for hyperlipidemia. Body weight loss is effective in improving lipid levels.
  • Inadequate eating habitsExcessive intake of saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol increases blood lipid levels. On the other hand, eating vegetables, fruits, and omega-3 fatty acids rich in dietary fiber, help to improve lipid levels.

Other factors

In addition, various factors can cause hyperlipidemia.

  • Drug: Some drugs can affect lipid metabolism. For example, oral contraceptives, steroids, and some diuretics can increase lipid levels. Regular geological tests may be required when taking the drug.
  • Excessive alcohol intakeExcessive alcohol intake can greatly increase the level of triglycerides. The proper amount of drinking can increase HDL cholesterol, but excessive intake is rather harmful.

The causes of hyperlipidemia are very diverse, and many factors are often combined. Therefore, comprehensive evaluations and management according to individual conditions are required. It is important to discover early through regular health checkups, improve proper lifestyles and combine medication if necessary.

Symptoms of hyperlipidemia

Symptoms of hyperlipidemiaSymptoms of hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia is known as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and can cause arteriosclerosis. In most cases, there is no distinct symptom in the early days, so it is also called the ‘silent murderer’.

Initial symptoms

In the early stages of hyperlipidemia, most of the symptoms do not appear. However, in some patients, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Tiredness and helplessness: Blood circulation is not smooth, so sufficient oxygen and nutrients are not supplied. This makes it easy to feel fatigue and experience helpless. In particular, it may be easy to get tired of everyday activities.
  • Headache and dizziness: If the blood flow to the brain decreases, headaches and dizziness can often occur. This can be more prominent when you suddenly change your posture, which can lead to symptoms such as decreased concentration or decrease in memory.

Skin -related symptoms

When hyperlipidemia progresses, there are symptoms that appear on the skin:

  • Yellow species (xanthoma): It is a yellow tumor caused by cholesterol or other lipids calm on the skin. It mainly appears around Achilles tendon, elbows, and knees. This is more common in hereditary hyperlipidemia, such as family hypercholesterolemia.
  • Xanthelasma: The most common yellow species in the eyelids. It appears around the eyes with a flat spot of yellow or orange. This can be an important visual indicator of hyperlipidemia.

Cardiovascular symptoms

If hyperlipidemia lasts for a long time, it affects the cardiovascular system, which may cause the following symptoms:

  • Chest pain (angina): Chest pain occurs when the coronary artery that supplies blood to the heart is narrowed. This can be especially worse in exercise or stress, and sometimes pain in the neck or arms.
  • Difficulty breathing: If the heart function is lowered, the blood accumulates in the lungs and you may feel difficult to breathe. Especially when you are lying, you tend to get worse, and you may have a breath of breath in everyday activities.


When arteriosclerosis progresses due to hyperlipidemia, it also affects peripheral blood vessels:

  • Intermittent: When you walk, you have pain in your legs and disappear when you rest. This is caused by the lack of sufficient blood to the leg muscles, and the walking distance is gradually shorter.
  • Limbs and numbness: Due to the atherosclerosis of the peripheral blood vessels, if the blood flow to the hands and feet decreases, it may feel cold with numbness. This can be especially worse in cold weather, and the skin color can become pale or bluish.

Symptoms of hyperlipidemia progress slowly, and in the early stages, they may rarely feel. Therefore, it is important to find and manage early through regular health checkups. It is also necessary to maintain healthy lifestyles and manage risk factors to prevent hyperlipidemia.

Side effects of hyperlipidemia

Side effects of hyperlipidemiaSide effects of hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia (高 脂 藥) is a drug used to treat excessive state of lipids in the blood. It is mainly effective in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels and helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, like all drugs, hyperlipidemia can also be accompanied by side effects. The types and degrees of side effects vary from person to person, and in most cases, they can be minor and temporary but sometimes serious side effects.

General side effects

Common side effects of hyperlipidemia are as follows:

  • headache: This is a symptom that occurs frequently in the early stages of hyperlipidemia. In most cases, it is naturally resolved over time. Sufficient rest and moisture intake can help. If you have continuous headaches, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Digestive: Symptoms such as abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, etc. may occur. These symptoms occur mainly at the beginning of the drug, and tend to gradually relieve over time. If your symptoms are severe or persistent, you can consult your doctor to consider the use of drug capacity or use of alternative drugs.

Muscle -related side effects

It is an important side effect related to hyperlipidemia, especially statin -based drugs:

  • Muscle pain and weakness: You may feel pain or helplessness in the muscles of the whole body. This is one of the most common side effects of statin drugs, mostly mild but sometimes leading to serious muscle damage. Especially if abnormal muscle pain persists or worsened after exercise, you should immediately consult your doctor.
  • Rhability root fusion: A very rare but serious muscle damage is a symptom of destroying muscle cells. Severe muscle pain, muscle tenderness, fever, and urine of dark colors may appear. If you suspect this symptom, you should immediately stop taking the drug and get emergency treatment.

Liver -related side effects

Hyperlipidemia can affect liver function:

  • Increased liver enzyme levels: Liver enzyme levels can increase in regular blood tests. In most cases, it is minor and temporary, but sometimes it may require drug control or interruption. Monitoring is required through regular liver function tests.
  • jaundice: Rarely, jaundice may occur with yellowish white or white yellow. This may be a sign of serious liver damage, so you must immediately get the help of the medical staff.

Other side effects

In addition, the following side effects are reported:

  • Skin reaction: Skin reactions such as rash, itching, hives, etc. may appear. Most of them are mild, but in the case of serious allergic reactions, immediate treatment is required.
  • Increased risk of diabetesThere is a study showing that the risk of diabetes can be slightly increased when using statins for a long time. However, the prevention of cardiovascular disease through the treatment of hyperlipidemia exceeds this risk.

Most of the side effects of hyperlipidemia are mild and often resolved over time. But if you suspect serious side effects, you should immediately consult your doctor. It is important to monitor the effects and side effects of the drug through regular checkups and blood tests. Depending on the individual’s condition, appropriate drug selection and dose control may be required.

Hyperlipidemia good food vs. bad food

Hyperlipidemia good food vs. bad foodHyperlipidemia good food vs. bad food

Hyperlipidemia is a state of excessive lipids in the blood. It is mainly diagnosed when cholesterol and triglycerides exceed the normal range. Hyperlipidemia is known as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and can cause arteriosclerosis. Proper dietary care plays an important role in preventing and managing hyperlipidemia.

Food for hyperlipidemia

The foods that help to manage hyperlipidemia are as follows:

  • Blue fish rich in omega-3: Blue fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna, etc. is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This helps to lower blood triglycerides and suppress thrombosis. It is recommended to eat 2-3 times a week.
  • Vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber: Vegetables such as eggplant, onions, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, and fruits such as apples, and pears are rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fibers inhibit cholesterol absorption and help control blood sugar. It is recommended to eat various vegetables and fruits of five or more times a day.
  • Nuts rich in unsaturated fats: Nuts such as peanuts, almonds, walnuts, and pine nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. This helps to lower blood cholesterol. However, since the calories are high, you need to adjust the intake of about one handful of a day.

Bad food for hyperlipidemia

Foods that patients with hyperlipidemia should avoid are as follows:

  • Foods with a lot of saturated fat: Pork belly, ribs, and chicken shells, such as meat, have high saturated fat content. This can increase blood cholesterol levels, so you need to limit your intake. Instead, it is better to choose the breasts of lean meat or poultry.
  • Processed foods containing trans fats: Processed foods such as sweets, cookies, crackers, and margarine may contain trans fats. Trans fat increases LDL cholesterol and reduces HDL cholesterol to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Tip of hyperlipidemia diet

Diet tips for hyperlipidemia are as follows:

  • Select low fat dairy products: Select low or fat milk instead of regular milk, and cheese or yogurt also use low -fat products. This reduces saturated fat intake.
  • Use olive oil: Olive oil is used instead of a lot of saturated butter when cooking. Single unsaturated fatty acids included in olive oil help to improve blood cholesterol levels.

Lifestyle to prevent hyperlipidemia

Along with diet management, the following lifestyle improvement is also important:

  • Regular exercise: Aerial aerobic exercise of more than 5 times a week and more than 30 minutes will help improve blood lipid levels. Walking, swimming, biking, etc. is a good way to exercise.
  • Non -smoking and sobrietySmoking reduces HDL cholesterol, and excessive drinking can increase triglycerides. Therefore, quitting and sobriety are essential for hyperlipidemia management.

Hyperlipidemia management is difficult to be done in a short time, so it is important to continue to practice from a long term. In addition to improving eating habits, we need to improve overall lifestyle such as regular exercise and proper weight maintenance. It is recommended to check the blood lipid levels through regular health checkups and to consult a doctor if necessary to receive appropriate treatment.



Q: What is the main cause of hyperlipidemia?

A: The main causes of hyperlipidemia include genetic factors, obesity, lack of exercise, inappropriate eating habits, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. In particular, lifestyles such as excessive intake of saturated and trans fat foods, excessive alcohol intake, and smoking can also be an important cause.

Q: What are the initial symptoms of hyperlipidemia?

A: hyperlipidemia is often called ‘silent murderer’ because there are many cases of no distinct symptoms. However, in some patients, fatigue, headaches, and dizziness may occur. In progress, symptoms such as yellow species (fat deposition on the skin), chest pain, and shortness of breath may occur.

Q: What are the main side effects of hyperlipidemia?

A: The main side effects of hyperlipidemia, especially statin -based drugs include muscle pain, liver enzyme levels, and digestive symptoms (abdominal pain, indigestion, etc.). Rarely serious muscle damage (rhabile muscle damage) can occur. Most of the side effects are minor and temporary, but if they persist or worsen, they should consult with the doctor.

Q: What are some foods that are good for hyperlipidemia?

A: The foods for hyperlipidemia include omega-3s rich blue fish (mackerel, salmon, etc.), vegetables rich in dietary fiber, fruits, and nuts rich in unsaturated fats. Olive oil, green tea, garlic, and onions can also help improve blood lipids.

Q: What foods do patients with hyperlipidemia should avoid?

A: Foods that patients with hyperlipidemia should avoid include saturated fat meat (pork belly, ribs, etc.), processed foods containing trans fats (sweets, cookies, etc.), and high cholesterol foods (egg yolks, intestine, etc.). In addition, purified carbohydrates, excessive alcohol and high -fat dairy products should be limited.

Q: What is the way to improve lifestyle for hyperlipidemia management?

A: For hyperlipidemia management, regular exercise (more than 5 times a week, moderate aerobic exercise), smoking cessation, sobriety, and stress management are important. In addition, maintaining proper weight, balanced diet intake, and sufficient sleep can also help. It is a good idea to check your blood lipids through regular health checkups and consult your doctor if necessary.

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