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Mobilization, retaliation, and war are important concepts related to national security and military activities. Mobilization refers to the act of systematically collecting and arranging manpower and materials in preparation for exhibitions or emergencies. Retaliation refers to the act of harming him, as others have harmed himself. The war is a participation or participation in the war, which means that the state or individual intervenes in war and performs military activities. These three concepts have an important meaning in national security and international relations.


Mobilization meaning, retaliation meaning, veteran: I'll clean it up clearly!<br>Mobilization meaning, retaliation meaning, veteran: I'll clean it up clearly!<br data-lazy-src=

Mobilization is a word that means ‘to move by moving’ in Korean and to collect or use personnel or materials for a particular purpose. In military contexts, the state is the act of systematically collecting and arranging manpower and materials in preparation for exhibitions or emergencies. In English, it is expressed as ‘mobilization’, and it was first published during the French Revolution, but it was settled in military terms when the Russian army used to recruit military wars in the 1850s. For example, the government is used as “the government has issued a reserve army mobilization.”


The concept of mobilization has been developed with the formation of modern countries:

  • Initial formThe concept of mobilization began to be settled in military terms in the mid -19th century, and Russia was used to recruit military wars in the cream war. Previously, the main war, a small occupation group, was mainly achieved. In particular, the development of railroads and the whole body made it possible to quickly collect troops and supplies across large areas.
  • Korea’s mobilization system: It was in 1958 that the mobilization system was first introduced in Korea. Later, by 1961, the Military Affairs Agency performed mobilization only for the military. In 1962, the National Security Council was established, and in 1963 the National Mobilization Committee was established. Currently, the mobilization system is operated in accordance with the Emergency Non -Resources Management Act, which was enacted in 1984.

Types and classification of mobilization

Mobilization is classified into several types according to various criteria:

  • Classification according to range: It is divided into mobilization and partial mobilization. The mobilization refers to the mobilization of all the resources in the event of a national emergency such as exhibitions. Partial mobilization means mobilization limitedly, limited to certain areas or some resources. For example, partial mobilization is a case where only resources in the area are used for operations or disasters in certain areas.
  • Classification: It is divided into exhibition mobilization and mobilization. Exhibition mobilization is a mobilization of mobilization and mobilization is a mobilization that is carried out in accordance with the mobilization plan. In our country, the annual reserve training and civil defense training are examples of mobilization.

Mobilization target and method

Mobilization is made in various forms depending on the object and method:

  • Human resource mobilization: The resources of troops, such as reserves and supplements that have completed the collection of educational centers, and supplements such as supplementary stations exempted from the school, the second national station, and the mobilization of human resources such as mobilization companies, technicians, and scientists. Human resource mobilization plays an important role in maintaining military and social functions by quickly securing the people needed by the state. For example, a troop mobilization training house under the Military Service Act may be imprisoned for up to one year or a fine of up to 10 million won without justifiable reason for the reserve army.
  • Mobilization: Weapons, ammunition, food, clothing, industrial products, pharmaceuticals, transport equipment, construction equipment, land, buildings, and other companies related to war support such as production, repair, storage, sales, transportation, construction, communication, and medical institutions. The mobilization of material resources is divided into accommodation (ownership acquisition) and use mobilization (return after a certain period of time). The state provides compensation for the mobilized material resources in accordance with the law.

Historical case and meaning

Historically, mobilization is closely related to the existence of the state:

  • Forced mobilization during the Japanese colonial periodThe Japanese imperialism enacted the National Mobilization Act in 1938 to mobilize human and physical resources for war. In the process, many Koreans were forced to be mobilized and forced to live as soldiers, military officers, laborers, and comfort women. Such forced mobilization consisted of various forms such as mere physical restraint, as well as mental restraint, appeasement, persuasion, employment fraud, and legal forced. Currently, the Korean government is implementing special laws for investigating and supporting these compulsory mobilization victims.
  • Modern meaning: Today, mobilization has expanded beyond simple military purposes to the concept of gathering the overall capacity of the state in various situations such as disaster response and national crisis management. In particular, in the fan -deric situations such as Corona 19, medical resources and manpower and equipment mobilization in disasters show the importance of mobilization concepts in modern society.

Mobilization is an important mechanism for efficient use of human and material resources in the country’s crisis. Historically, it was mainly used in extreme situations such as war, but in modern times, it has developed into a comprehensive concept to cope with various national crises. The efficiency and fairness of the mobilization system has become an important factor in determining the nation’s ability to respond to crisis.



Retaliation means ‘the act of harming him as if it were harmful to others’ in Korean. This is to return the experience of someone, and it contains more intense meaning than simply paying off debt. Retaliation is an act of returning the pain that is worn by the heart or the pain that is directly suffered. For example, it is used as “he planned to retaliate for a friend who betrayed himself.”

The etymology of retaliation and the meaning of Chinese characters

The word retaliation is a combination of two Chinese characters, you can deeply understand its meaning:

  • The meaning of 報The initial form of this letter indicates the act of punishing people who have committed wrong or prisoners of war. In Korean, it can be interpreted as ‘repay’ or ‘repaid’. This goes beyond the concept of compensation and implies the meaning of punishment or punishment for wrongs. In ancient society, this letter meant the act of paying a reasonable price for sinful or enemies.
  • The meaning of 復 (blessing): This letter depicts a person coming out of the castle exit, and the meaning of ‘Go Go’ or ‘Go Go’. This indicates that, as you can see from the word round trip, it represents any act or state. In the context of retaliation, it can be interpreted to mean that you return it to your opponent.

Retaliation and similar concepts

There are many expressions that have a similar meaning to retaliation:

  • Revenge (讎): It means to repay the enemy. Here, 讎 (number) means enemies, and revenge is used in a very similar sense of retaliation. In everyday life, even when you beat your previous defeat in a sports game, you can say, “I succeeded in revenge.” Revenge has a stronger nuance of more emotional and personal repayment than retaliation.
  • Conservative and Bogu (仇 仇): These two expressions directly represent the act of retaliation to those who have been enemies. Both 讎 (Wed) and 仇 (old) means ‘enemy’, so conservatives and tools clearly express the act of paying back to the enemy. These expressions often appear in literary works and historical contexts and contain strong revenge will.

The concept of retaliation in modern society

In modern society, retaliation is used in various contexts:

  • Legal perspective: Today, private retaliation is prohibited by law. If an individual is retaliated, he will be punished for crimes such as murder, assault, and injury. The modern society requires that the conflict between individuals is solved through laws and institutions, and the state intervenes with civil law (damages, etc.) or criminal law (such as punishment, etc.) through trial. This is to prevent social confusion caused by indiscriminate retaliation.
  • Retaliation: In the relationship between countries, it still exists in the form of ‘retaliation’. For example, if a country puts trade sanctions against another country, a partner may respond to similar sanctions. This international retaliation is made through diplomatic and economic means and is carried out within the border of international law.

Psychological aspect

Complex psychological factors work on the background of retaliation:

  • Definition of justiceIn many cases, retaliation comes from the desire to restore damaged definitions. When you feel that you are treated unfairly, people think of retaliation to correct the imbalance. This is associated with the ‘fair world hypothesis’ and is related to the psychological mechanism to maintain the belief that the world is fair.
  • Emotional resolutionRetaliation can be a way to solve negative emotions such as anger, betrayal, and shame. Many people experience temporary satisfaction or emotional liberation through retaliation, but in the long run, these emotional resolution does not lead to true healing. Rather, it leads to a circulation of retaliation, which can lead to greater conflicts.

Retaliation is an act that is linked to the basic justice of humanity, but in modern society, solutions through laws and institutions are recommended. Personal retaliation often can cause greater conflicts and damage, and it is difficult to become a true solution. Instead, it is a more effective and socially desirable approach to resolve conflicts in a constructive way, such as dialogue, arbitration, and legal procedures.



The war is a word that means ‘to participate in war’ or ‘join the war’ in Korean. It means that a state or an individual intervenes in war and performs military activities, and in English, it is expressed in ‘Participation in War’ or ‘Taking Part in a War’. Warning means to be involved in actual combat behaviors beyond simple support or cooperation, and has an important meaning in relationships and historical contexts. For example, “Korea has been in the Vietnam War and has dispatched about 320,000 soldiers from 1964 to 1973.”

The historical meaning of war

Warning has an important meaning in relationship between countries and historical contexts:

  • SymbolThe war has a symbolic meaning of alliance and solidarity between nations beyond simple military actions. The UN war of 16 countries during the Korean War is an important example of the international community’s solidarity and support. Such a war is also the basis for diplomatic and economic cooperation in the future. In particular, on July 27, 1953, 16 countries participating in the Korean War in Washington, USA, decided to participate in the defense of Korea in case of emergency.
  • National identity formationThe experience of war has an important impact on the identity and historical perception of the state. The Vietnam War War was the first overseas dispatch of Korea, which changed the perception of Korea’s status and role in the international community. Through the war, the state re -establishes its position in the international order, and provides people with national pride and historical experience.

Type and form of war

The war is made in various forms and scale:

  • Direct warfare and indirect support: The war takes place in various forms, including direct combat troops, medical support, and supplies. Korea’s participation in the Vietnam War included both combat troops (Blue Dragon, Blue Dragon, White Horse Forces) and Bi -Citizens (Pigeon Forces). Direct participation means directly intervening in battle, indirect support is a form of providing medical, construction, and materials. Both forms are an important way of expressing the will and support of the veterans.
  • Participation through international organizations: In modern times, there are many cases of participation in the resolution of international organizations such as the United Nations. A typical example is that 16 countries participated in the resolution of the UN Security Council during the Korean War. This form of war is characterized by securing international law and consisting of multinational allied troops. The participation through international organizations is more likely to gain support and cooperation in the international community than the unilateral military action of individual countries.

Social influence

The war has a variety of influences on society and individuals:

  • Experience and trauma of veterans: Veterans are returning and returning directly to the disadvantage of the war. Many veterans suffer from the aftermath of war, which affects not only individual lives but also family and society. In the case of the US war veterans Robert Extrom, the whole family had a hard time due to the aftermath of the war, such as lying down on the ground even if the truck sounds. The experience of veterans often conflicts with social perception, and social support for their reaction is an important task.
  • National memory and memorialThe war is the target of national memory and memorial. The honor and sacrifice of war through the war memorial, memorial fee, and anniversary play an important role in the formation of national identity. 5,099 of the Vietnamese veterans in Korea were killed and 11,232 were injured, and their sacrifices were remembered at the national level. This way of memory is an important medium that conveys historical experiences beyond generations.

The meaning of war in modern society

In modern society, the meaning of war continues to change:

  • Expansion of peace maintenance activitiesThe concept of war war on war is expanding to the UN peace maintenance activity (PKO). This aims to maintain and rebuild the peace of the conflict area rather than aggressively fighting. Korea has participated in various peace maintenance activities, starting with the Somali PKO dispatch in 1993, which is also a modern form of war in a broad sense. This activity is an important way of showing a role as a responsible member in the international community.
  • History education and peaceful awarenessThe experience of war is an important educational material that awakens the devastation of war and the preciousness of peace. The US war veterans, Sal Scalato, travels around schools and libraries nationwide to announce the meaning and experience of the Korean War. He describes the Korean War as “forgotten war, forgotten victory”, and is trying to convey historical facts and experiences.

Warning is an important experience of leaving a deep trace of the country and individual history. Beyond simple military acts, it has various influences on international relations, national identity, and individual lives, and its meaning continues to reinterpret according to the times and contexts. Remembering the history of war and reflecting on its meaning is an important process for a peaceful future.



Q: What is mobilization?

A: mobilization refers to the act of collecting or using manpower and materials for certain purposes for the state’s exhibition or equivalent emergency. It was first published during the French Revolution, but it was settled in military terms when Russia was used to recruit military in the 1850s. In Korea, the mobilization system was first introduced in 1958.

Q: What is the meaning of retaliation?

A: Retaliation means ‘the act of harming him as if it were harmful to others.’ This is to return the experience of someone, and it contains more intense meaning than simply paying off debt. In modern society, private retaliation is prohibited by law, and in international relations, it exists in the form of ‘retaliation’.

Q: What does war mean?

A: The war is a word that means ‘to participate in war’ or ‘join the war’. It means that a state or an individual intervenes in war and performs military activities. South Korea’s war in Vietnam is the first case of the Republic of Korea, which has dispatched about 320,000 soldiers from 1964 to 1973. In modern times, its meaning is expanding to UN peace maintenance activities (PKO).

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