폐암 초기증상, 원인, 4기 생존율, 그리고 폐암에 좋은 음식: 종합 가이드

Let’s take a look at the initial symptoms of lung cancer, the cause of lung cancer, the 4th survival rate of lung cancer, and the foods that are good for lung cancer. Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the tissues of the lungs, and is an important disease that ranks first in cancer mortality in Korea. In the early days, regular checkups are important because there are no special symptoms or only minor symptoms are difficult to find. Recently, the development of medical and technology has greatly improved the survival rate of 4 patients with lung cancer, and proper diet can help improve the treatment effect and improve the quality of life.

Early symptoms of lung cancer

Early symptoms of lung cancer, causes, 4th survival rate, and good food for lung cancer: General guidesEarly symptoms of lung cancer, causes, 4th survival rate, and good food for lung cancer: General guides

Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the tissues of the lungs, and in the early days, most of the symptoms are often without special symptoms. Only about 15% of lung cancer patients are found by chance, and most of the symptoms appear after some progress. Early lung cancer looks healthy in appearance, and it is difficult to detect early because it does not change any athletic ability. Therefore, it is important to know the initial symptoms of lung cancer and to have regular checkups.

Respiratory symptoms

  • Persistent cough: It is the most common symptom of about 75%of lung cancer patients complaining. Be careful if there is a cough that lasts for more than three weeks or worsens. In particular, smokers have a cough, so they are often not recognized as lung cancer symptoms, so they must be checked if the cough changes or the duration is long.
  • Hemorrhage: The symptoms of spitting blood or blood mixed with blood when coughing are important signals of lung cancer. It is confirmed in 25-50%of lung cancer patients, and bleeding in the lungs is mixed with sputum and red light. If you have a small amount of blood, you must be examined by a specialist.

Pain and discomfort

  • Chest pain: About one third of lung cancer patients experience chest pain. When cancer on the edge of the lungs invades the pleural and chest walls, sharp pain appears, and if the cancer progresses, it can turn into dull pain. Pain occurs in the same side as the location of the tumor, and can occur in various parts such as the center of the chest, the diaphragm, and the clay wall depending on the position of the tumor.
  • Difficulty breathing: About half of lung cancer patients complain of difficulty breathing. Symptoms of tumors are larger, pleura (pleura exude), lungs are collapsed, or the upper can be blocked. Especially if you go up the stairs or get more breath than usual, you may suspect lung cancer.

Systemic symptoms

  • Reduction of weight and poor appetite: Losing weight and loss of appetite are common symptoms of cancer, including lung cancer. If you lose weight and reduce your interest in food for no special reason, you should consult a medical professional. For small cell lung cancer, these systemic symptoms are more common.
  • Chronic fatigue: Chronic fatigue that doesn’t relieve fatigue even if you feel tired and relax enough can be an initial symptom of lung cancer. If the microscopic bleeding due to lung cancer persists, anemia can occur, which may cause symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

Other symptoms

  • frog: The nerves that control the vocal cords pass through the space between the lungs and the organs. If lung cancer invades this nerve, the voice changes due to the vocal cord paralysis. Be careful if your voice rests or changes for no reason.
  • Repeated respiratory infection: If respiratory infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia occur repeatedly or are not easily healed, you may suspect lung cancer. This is because lung cancer blocks the bronchus and creates an environment that is likely to be infected.

Early symptoms of lung cancer are often difficult to distinguish because they are similar to common respiratory diseases. Therefore, if the symptoms mentioned above persist for more than 2-3 weeks, you must consult a medical professional to get an appropriate test. Especially if you have a smoker or lung cancer family history, early checkups through regular low -dose CT tests are important.

Causes of lung cancer

Causes of lung cancerCauses of lung cancer

Lung cancer can be caused by various causes and can occur after several years and decades after being exposed to these causative substances. About 85-90%of lung cancer patients are associated with smoking, but non -smokers can also cause lung cancer due to various causes. Understanding the cause of lung cancer and reducing risk factors play an important role in preventing lung cancer.


  • SmokingSmoking is the most important cause of lung cancer, accounting for about 85-90%of lung cancer. Tobacco smoke contains about 4,000 harmful substances, more than 60 of them are known as carcinogens. Smokers increase the risk of lung cancer by 15 to 80 times compared to non -smokers.
  • Indirect smokingIf a non -smoker lives with a smoker and inhales cigarette smoke, the risk of lung cancer increases. The cigarette smoke, which is inhaled by indirect smokers, is divided into the main characters from the cigarettes and the mainstream performances of smokers, which contain more toxic substances. Security smoking increases the risk of lung cancer by 1.5 times.

Environmental factors

  • Radon gasRadon is a naturally radioactive gas, the main cause of lung cancer after smoking. Radon is generated by the decomposition of uranium in the soil and rocks, and the concentration can be increased inside the building. Long -term exposure to radon gas increases the risk of lung cancer, especially if smokers are exposed to radon.
  • Air pollutionCarcinogens in the air include benzofyrinins, radiation materials, non -oxides, chromium and nickel mixtures, and non -neutral aliphatic hydrocarbon. These substances are included in urban air to increase the risk of lung cancer. In particular, if the fine dust enters deep into the respiratory system and causes inflammation, the risk of lung cancer can increase.

Professional exposure

  • asbestosAsbestos is a substance used for low density insulation, building materials, etc., and when exposed to asbestos, the risk of lung cancer is increased. After exposure to asbestos, lung cancer can occur after 10-35 years of incubation, and if smokers are exposed to asbestos, the risk of lung cancer is higher.
  • Harmful chemicals: Increases the risk of lung cancer when it is professionally exposed to chemicals such as arsenic, chrome, nickel, cadmium, and vinyl chloride. These substances can damage the DNA of lung cells, causing cancer. Long -term exposure to exhaust gas of diesel fuel increases the risk of lung cancer.

Other risk factors

  • Existing lung disease: Increases the risk of lung cancer when there is lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, and lung disease. In particular, chronic obstructive lung disease is known to increase the risk of lung cancer two to three times. Chronic inflammation can damage the DNA of lung cells, which can increase the risk of cancer.
  • Genetic factor: Lung cancer is not a direct inherited disease, but it is reported that the risk of lung cancer is 2-3 times higher when there is lung cancer patients. If there is a patient with lung cancer among the immediate families, it is known that the risk of lung cancer is doubled, and if cousin has lung cancer, it is known to increase 30%.

The cause of lung cancer varies, but the most important preventive method is to avoid smoking. For smokers, quitting can greatly reduce the risk of lung cancer. In addition, it can reduce the risk of lung cancer by inspecting radon gas, minimizing harmful substances, and avoiding air pollution. It is also important to find lung cancer early through regular health checkups.

4th survival rate of lung cancer

4th survival rate of lung cancer4th survival rate of lung cancer

Lung Cancer 4 was considered to be a stage in which the cancer was transferred from the lungs to other organs, and in the past, cure was almost impossible. Lung cancer is ranked No. 1 in cancer mortality in Korea, and according to the 2020 national cancer registration statistics, the five -year survival rate of lung cancer is 36.8%. Recently, however, the development of medical technology has greatly improved the survival rate of 4 patients with lung cancer. In particular, the development of targeted therapies and immune anticancer agents is significantly improving the survival and quality of life in 4 patients with lung cancer.

Current survival rate of 4 lung cancer

  • Non -cell lung cancer survival rate: According to Korea’s national survey, the five -year relative survival rate of four non -small cell lung cancer is reported to be about 10%. This is a significant increase compared to the past, and the survival rate, which was less than 5% 10 years ago, has more than doubled. In particular, the introduction of immune anticancer drugs has increased the five -year survival rate for 4th lung cancer patients from 10%to 20%, and the 5 -year survival rate has been reported to 31%in patients using immune anticancer drugs alone.
  • Soy cell lung cancer survival rateSoocy cell lung cancer is worse than non -small cell lung cancer, and the five -year relative survival rate is reported to be about 4%in the extension disease stage. Soocy cell lung cancer has already been metastasized during diagnosis, so most of the chemotherapy treatment is performed first.

Improvement of survival rate according to treatment method

  • Influence: The survival rate is greatly improved if the targeted treatment is used for lung cancer patients with certain genetic variations. For example, if you use Alk target treatment, the total survival rate is 62.5%for 5 years, which is reported to survive for more than 5 years. In the case of EGFR targeted therapy, the average survival period of patients using the 3rd generation targeted treatment as primary treatment was more than three years.
  • Effect of immune chemotherapy: Immune anticancer drugs are a treatment that attacks cancer cells by strengthening our body’s immune cell function. It is an important treatment option for patients who cannot use targeted therapies. In the case of the first treatment of immune chemotherapy, the total survival rate is reported to be about 25-30%, and the average survival period is about 26 months.

Complex treatment approach

  • Combination with radiation therapy: It is reported that the survival period of 4th lung cancer patients has increased on average by two years. In particular, if the immuno -anticancer drug is combined in radiation therapy, the 4th lung cancer is likely to be cured. Radiation therapy is also used for the purpose of inhibiting pain, especially lung cancer with transition from the area that has been metastasized in the fourth stage with remote metastases.
  • The role of chemotherapyIn the 4th lung cancer, chemotherapy is one of the most important treatments. Although there are very few patients who are cured only by chemotherapy, it is important to be able to extend the overall survival and control the symptoms to maintain the quality of life. In recent years, the treatment of immune cancer and chemotherapy has better results.

The survival rate of 4 patients with lung cancer continues to improve, thanks to the development of medical and technology and the development of new treatments. Ten years ago, the 4th diagnosis of lung cancer was almost the same as the death sentence, but now there are more and more long -term survival cases. Therefore, it is important to consult with the medical staff for the latest treatment without losing hope, as the 4th patients with lung cancer can extend the survival period and improve the quality of life through active treatment.

Food for lung cancer

Food for lung cancerFood for lung cancer

Nutrition management of lung cancer patients play an important role in improving therapeutic effects and improving quality of life. Proper diet can help to strengthen immunity and reduce treatment side effects. For patients with lung cancer, foods are rich in antioxidants and are effective to reduce inflammation.

Green vegetables

  • Beta -carotene -rich food: Green yellow vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach, bell peppers, mugwort, cabbage, and kale are rich in beta -carotene. These nutrients protect the lung mucosa and help prevent lung cancer through antioxidants. In particular, the sulforapan contained in broccoli is known to have a powerful anticancer effect.
  • Folic acid -containing food: Green leaf vegetables, potatoes, asparagus, beans, broccoli, etc. are rich in folic acid. Folic acid is recommended to take enough cells to prevent progress to lung cancer by reducing the cells in the precancard stage to normal cells. Folic acid also plays an important role in DNA synthesis and cell division, which helps to maintain healthy cells.


  • Vitamin C -containing food: Fruits such as orange, kiwi, lemon, sweet persimmon, peach, etc. are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to increase immunity and protect lung tissue. In particular, the limonene contained in lemon is known to have anticancer effects.
  • Berry: Berry, such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, is rich in anthocyanin, an antioxidant. Such antioxidants can help reduce inflammation in the body and suppress the growth of cancer cells. In addition, vitamin C contained in berry helps to strengthen immunity.

Protein food

  • High -quality protein food: Fish, soybeans, tofu, low -fat lean meat, eggs, and milk are high -quality protein sources. Protein is important for lung cancer patients because it has a good effect on cell regeneration in the body. Especially during treatment, it is recommended to eat 1-2 protein foods for each meal to quickly recover and relieve side effects.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid: Blue fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, etc. is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and improve immunity. In addition, high -quality protein contained in fish is important for recovery and muscle maintenance.

Other health foods

  • Foods that help cough and sputum: Banks, bellflower, garlic, belly, etc. help cough and sputum. In particular, the saponin of the bellflower secretes the mucus of the respiratory mucosa to release sputum, stop coughing, and relieve inflammation. Citron tea has three times more vitamin C than lemon, and limonene components reduce the inflammation of the neck.
  • GrainMs. brown rice, whole wheat, yulmu, red beans, sorghum, barley, etc. are rich in combined carbohydrates and dietary fiber, not sugar and fat. These nutrients help to supply energy and maintain fire extinguisher health. In addition, the grains are rich in vitamin B and minerals, which are good for maintaining overall health.

Since the diet of lung cancer patients may vary depending on the individual’s condition and treatment process, it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist to construct an appropriate diet. Along with a balanced diet, improvement of lifestyles such as regular exercise, sufficient rest, and smoking can also help to treat and prevent lung cancer. Especially for smokers, high doses of beta -carotene supplements can increase the risk of lung cancer.


Early symptoms of lung cancerEarly symptoms of lung cancer

Q: What are the initial symptoms of lung cancer?

A: Initial symptoms of lung cancer include coughs lasting for more than 3 weeks, blood, chest pain, shortness of breath, unknown weight loss and anorexia, chronic fatigue, fifty voices, and repeated respiratory infections. Especially for smokers, be careful if the pattern of cough changes or the duration is longer. If these symptoms persist for more than 2-3 weeks, you must consult a medical professional to get an appropriate test.

Q: What is the main cause of lung cancer?

A: The biggest cause of lung cancer is smoking, accounting for about 90%of all lung cancer causes. In addition, environmental factors such as indirect smoking, radon gas, asbestos, air pollution, professional exposure to chemicals such as arsenic, chromium, nickel, existing lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary tuberculosis affect the occurrence of lung cancer. Tobacco smoke contains about 4,000 harmful substances, more than 60 of them are known as carcinogens.

Q: What is the survival rate of 4 lung cancer?

A: The five -year relative survival rate of four lung cancer is reported to be about 10%for non -small cell lung cancer and about 4%for small cell lung cancer. However, the survival rate has been greatly improved due to the recent development of targeted therapies and immune anticancer agents. In particular, the total survival rate of 5 years was 62.5%for 5 years, and the average survival period was over 3 years in the case of EGFR targeted drugs. The total survival rate is reported to be about 25-30% for five years even when the immune chemotherapy is used alone.

Q: What food is good for lung cancer patients?

A: A good food for lung cancer patients includes green-colored vegetables such as carrots rich in beta-carotene, tomatoes and spinach, fruits such as orange, kiwi, lemon, and other protein-rich fish, beans, tofu, low fat lean meat, omega-3 fatty acids, etc. There are bellflower, garlic, and belly. In addition, grains such as brown rice, whole wheat, and yulmu, garlic, onions, and green tea also help prevent and manage lung cancer. However, in the case of smokers, high doses of beta -carotene supplements can increase the risk of lung cancer.

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