Let’s take a look at the causes of gallstone, cholelithiasis, and gallstone foods. Gallstone is a disease that causes inflammation or pain by forming gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts. The gallstones are made of bile (digestive fluid that breaks down fat) generated by the liver, and it turns like a solid stone. About 60-80%of cholelithiasis patients have no symptoms and are often found in health checkups.
Causes of cholelithiasis
Gallstone Disease is a disease that causes inflammation or pain due to a gallbladder or bile tube. The gallstones are made of bile (digestive fluid that breaks down fat) generated by the liver and turns like a hard stone, and the main components of the bile, bile acids, and phospholipids are mixed in the micelle solution, which is formed in an abnormally increased fat quality such as cholesterol, inorganicitis, and organicitis. In the West, most gallstones are made of cholesterol (about 80%), and the rest is a pigmented gallstone made of bilirubin. Gallstone is a common disease in the United States, with more than 15% of the ages of 60-75, and most of them do not have any symptoms, but if they block the bile ducts, they can cause severe abdominal pain.
Lifestyle -related factors
Various lifestyle -related factors affect the occurrence of gallstone.
- Obesity and weight change: Obesity is one of the main risk factors of gallstone. Obesity people have high blood cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of hyperplasia for cholesterol in bile. Especially in women, obesity greatly increases the risk of cholelithiasis. On the other hand, rapid weight loss can also be a risk factor for chololate formation. If you lose weight quickly after ultra -low calorie diet or weight loss surgery, cholesterol secretion can be increased by bile in the liver, resulting in gallstones.
- Dietary factor: High fat, high cholesterol, and low fiber diets increase the risk of cholelithiasis. Eating habits with meat, fatty foods and alcohol intake, in particular, increases the risk of cholecimatization by increasing triglyceride levels. On the other hand, there are reports that people who eat well and vegetable protein with many unsaturated fatty acids are less gallstone. In addition, if you limit your fat intake with excessive diet, the bile is not discharged properly, and you can get gallstones in the gallbladder.
Personal characteristics factors
The innate characteristics and status of individuals also affect gallstone.
- Gender and age: Women are about twice the risk of gallstones than men. This is because estrogen, a female hormone, increases cholesterol levels in the bile and reduces the gallbladder motility. In particular, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, and oral contraceptives use increase the risk of gallstone. In addition, as the age increases, the risk of gallstone is also increased. In the age of 40, the incidence of gallstone begins to increase, and it is more common in older age.
- Genetic factors and race: Gallstone has a higher risk of occurrence if there is a family history. Racially, it is known that gallstone is high in Westerners and American Indians. In particular, the American Indians tend to secrete high levels of cholesterol in bile, which has the highest incidence of chololate.
Disease factors
Certain diseases and health conditions can also increase the risk of cholelithiasis.
- Liver and biliary diseaseDiseases such as cirrhosis, biliary infections, and primary hardened diliacitis increases the risk of chololate formation. These diseases change the flow and configuration of bile, creating an environment where gallstones are easily formed. In particular, pigmented gallstones occur more common in people with cirrhosis or biliary infections.
- MetabolicA metabolic disease such as diabetes and dyslipidemia is also a risk factor for cholelithiasis. Diabetic patients generally have high triglycerides, increasing the risk of chololate. In addition, intestinal diseases such as Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome can also increase the risk of gallstone formation.
Gallstone is a disease caused by a combination of various factors. To prevent it, it is important to maintain a healthy weight through balanced meals and proper exercise. In particular, eating vegetables and seaweed -based meals that are rich in dietary fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels, are helpful, and weight management through regular exercise rather than excessive diet is desirable. It is important for people with risk factors for cholelithms to find and manage early through regular health checkups.
Gallstone symptoms
The gallstones are formed and formed by precipitating cholesterol or bilirubin, which are the main components of the bile. About 60-80%of cholelithiasis patients have no symptoms and are often found in health checkups. However, if the gallstones are blocked by the gallbladder entrance or the bile ducts, various symptoms may occur.
Biliary Colic
The most distinctive symptom of gallstones is biliary acid pain, which occurs when the gallstones block the bile ducts.
- Sudden abdominal pain: Biludo acid pain appears as a severe abdominal pain that starts suddenly. Pain occurs mainly in the upper abdomen (Myeongchi) or the right abdomen (upper right), and it is also spreading to the lower right shoulder (below the right shoulder bone) or shoulders. This pain is so severe that it is strong enough to find an emergency room.
- Duration of pain: Damnsan tongs usually last for 1 to 6 hours after the intensity increases for 15 minutes to 1 hour. When the pain begins to resolve, it may be slowly or suddenly lost for 30 to 90 minutes, leaving dull pain. Biliary acid pain does not occur frequently, and can reappear after a few weeks or months after it occurs.
Gallenia patients can experience various digestive symptoms.
- Indigestion: The most common early symptoms of gallstones are frequent indigestion. Difficulty indicating without the symptoms of heartburn, especially after eating a lot of fatty foods, can cause severe symptoms. Because of this, gallstone can not be diagnosed, but only digestive agents or endoscopy are often taken.
- Come and vomiting: When there is a biliary tract, nausea and vomiting are often accompanied. Especially when pain is severe, these symptoms can be worse. But gallstones do not cause heartburn or bloating.
Symptoms related to complications
If the gallstone blocks the bile ducts for a long time or moves to other organs, more serious symptoms may occur.
- jaundiceIf the gallstone blocks the bundle, the bile is not discharged into the intestine, and the jaundice occurs due to reflux in the blood. The whites of the skin and eyes turn yellow, the urine color becomes darker, and the feces color becomes fading. Jaundice suggests severe complications of cholelithiasis, so you need immediately medical care.
- Fever and chills: Gallstone can be accompanied by high fever, chills, and severe abdominal pain when cholecystitis or quantadish canalitis. In particular, when biliary tractitis occurs, high fever (Sharko Samson) with biliary acid pain, jaundice, and chills appears. If you have these symptoms, you can progress to sepsis, so you need to treat it quickly.
Other symptoms
Various additional symptoms may occur with regard to gallstone.
- Discomfort after fat intake: After eating fat, abdominal discomfort or pain is often severe. This occurs because the gallbladder shrinks and the gallstones block the bile ducts. However, not all biliary acid pain is related to fatty intake, and symptoms may occur after binge eating.
- Pancreatitis: Pancreatitis can occur when the gallstone enters the banchoville joining part. In this case, symptoms such as severe pain, vomiting, and fever emitted from the upper abdomen may occur. Pancreatitis is a serious complication that can threaten life, so immediate treatment is required.
Symptoms of cholelithiasis can vary from person to person, and there are many cases of no symptoms. However, if you have sudden severe abdominal pain, jaundice, abdominal pain that lasts more than 8 hours, high fever and chills, you should immediately receive a doctor. Gallstone can be managed effectively through appropriate diagnosis and treatment, so if you have suspicion, it is important to visit a medical institution without delay.
Gallstone Disease is a disease that causes inflammation or pain due to a cholecy formed in the gallbladder or bile ducts. The gallstones are made of bile (digestive fluid that breaks down fat) generated by the liver, and it is constituted like a hard stone, mainly composed of cholesterol or bilirubin. The number of chololic patients has been increasing recently, and according to health care big data, the number of patients with gallbladder has increased from 11,2761 in 2017 to 16,8692 in 2021. In the prevention and management of gallstone, diet plays a very important role, and proper eating habits can relieve symptoms and prevent recurrence.
Good food for gallstone
There are foods that cholelithiasis patients should actively eat.
- Fiber: The fiber is combined with bile in the intestine to promote bile excretion as a feces, so you should eat it enough. It is better to choose grain rice or whole grain bread rather than white rice, and eat plenty of vegetable side dishes such as herbs, wraps, and salads. Vegetable fiber is excreted with bile acids and excreted as a feces, and it is known to inhibit the production of secondary bile acids by intestinal bacteria, which can help prevent gallstones.
- Foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids: Mackerel, Pollack, Sardi -ri, etc., which are high in unsaturated fatty acids, nuts such as kidney beans, red beans, beans, nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, and almonds, vegetable cooking oil, and well -digested butter are recommended for chololic patients. In particular, it is a good idea to eat an appropriate amount of unsaturated fats such as olive oil.
Food to avoid gallstone
There are some foods that cholelithiasis patients should be careful.
- Foods with saturated and trans fats: A lot of fat intake for a long time increases the risk of cholelithiasis. Since cholesterol is the main ingredient of bile, it is necessary to reduce the intake of saturated fat and high trans fat content that promotes cholesterol production, such as oily meat, butter, margarine, fried, cake. When choosing processed foods, it is important to check the nutritional information and select foods with low saturated fat and low trans fat content.
- Irritant food: Octopus, squid, ham, bamboo shoots, alcohol, and coffee are not good for gallstone. In addition, promoting the secretion of gastric exercise and gastric fluid is likely to cause seizures, so it is recommended to prohibit intake of alcoholic beverages, caffeine drinks, carbonated drinks and spices.
Dietary principle
The principles of meals for cholelithiasis are as follows.
- Regular meal: If the meal time is irregular or eaten, the next meal may be binge or rather the amount of snacks can be increased, so the bile in the gallbladder can increase the risk of cholelithiasis. If possible, it is recommended to eat three meals a day at a diet, including grains, fish and vegetable groups, and eat proper amounts of snacks with fruits and milk or dairy products between meals.
- Appropriate recipe: Basically, it is necessary to remove fat from the diet, so it is recommended to eat it as much as possible. Vegetables are good to be cooked and eaten, and meat is recommended to eat meat and grill on the grill or grill. If you eat chicken, it is better not to eat the shell.
Dietary therapy for each type of gallstone
Diet may vary depending on the type of cholelithiasis.
- CholesterolMeal therapy is only for patients with cholesterol gallstones, and foods with high cholesterol include egg yolks, squid, shrimp, intestines, eel, etc., and it is helpful to reduce these foods. In the case of eggs, livelihoods should be avoided due to cholecular contraction and seizure, but it is good to cook with a soft or mix of milk.
- Pigmented: In pigmented gallstones, it is recommended to eat meat properly, not special food. The reason is that in the case of liver gallstones, there is a study that can occur well even if you lack protein intake.
For cholelithiasis patients, proper weight management is also important as well as diet. Obesity is a major risk factor for gallstones, but rapid weight loss can increase the risk of gallstone formation, so gradual weight loss is recommended. In addition, sufficient water intake and regular exercise also help prevent and manage gallstone. Gallery patients should consult with experts for customized diets that fit the individual’s condition.
Q: What are the main causes of gallstone?
A: The cause of cholelithiasis can be divided into lifestyle factors, personal characteristics, and disease -related factors. Lifestyle factors include obesity, rapid weight loss, and high -fat and low fiber diets. Personal characteristic factors include women (especially pregnant or oral contraceptives), age 40 or older, and family history. In addition, diseases such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, and cirrhosis also increase the risk of gallstone formation.
Q: What are the main symptoms of gallstone?
A: The most distinctive symptom of cholelithiasis is biliary acid pain, which causes sudden upper abdominal or idol abdominal pain and spreads to the right shoulder. This pain usually lasts for 1 to 6 hours after the intensity increases for 15 minutes to 1 hour. In addition, indigestion, nausea and vomiting are common, and if the gallstones block the bile ducts, complications such as jaundice, fever, chills, etc. can occur.
Q: What food is good for cholelithmic patients?
A: For patients with gallstone, foods rich in fiber are good. Grain grain rice, whole grain bread, vegetables, and fruits promote bile excretion to help prevent gallstones. In addition, mackerel, pollack, beans, nuts, and olive oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids are also recommended. It is important to reduce fat intake through regular meals and proper recipes (steaming, boiling, baking).
Q: What foods do gallstone patients should avoid?
A: Patients with gallstone should avoid foods with saturated and trans fats. Oil meat, butter, margarine, fried, cake, etc. promote cholesterol production to increase the risk of chololate. It is also recommended to avoid irritating foods such as octopus, squid, ham, bamboo shoots, alcohol and coffee. Cholesterol gallstones should be reduced, especially the intake of foods with high cholesterol, such as egg yolks, squid, shrimp, and intestines.
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