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Let’s take a look at the early symptoms, food and treatment. Cirrhosis is a disease in which a normal liver tissue is turned into a fibrosis tissue due to chronic inflammation. Liver dysfunction may cause complications such as jaundice, revenge, liver failure, and hepatic encephalopathy. Cirrhosis is often difficult to detect early because there is no special symptoms in the early stages, but it can be slowed down through appropriate diet and treatment. Today, we will look at questions about the initial symptoms, recommended foods, and treatments of cirrhosis.

Early symptoms of cirrhosis

Cirrhosis early symptoms, cirrhosis foods, cirrhosis treatment: Click if you are curious!<br>Cirrhosis early symptoms, cirrhosis foods, cirrhosis treatment: Click if you are curious!<br data-lazy-src=

Cirrhosis is a result of chronic liver diseases, and normal liver tissue is replaced by fibrous, scar tissue, etc., and liver function is gradually lost. As the liver inflammation lasts for a long time, the liver surface is rough and hard. The correct name of cirrhosis is ‘cirrhosis’, and when liver cells are damaged due to hepatitis and drinking, liver creates a new cell and creates a lot of scars. In the early stages of cirrhosis, there are many cases of no special symptoms, but as time goes by, various symptoms appear.

Systemic symptoms

In the early stages of cirrhosis, nonspecific symptoms may occur.

  • Frequent fatigue: As the liver function decreases, there is a problem with energy metabolism, which makes it easy to feel fatigue. Even if you take enough rest, you can feel fatigue, and you can get worse in your daily life. One of the most common symptoms in the early stages of cirrhosis.
  • Decrease in appetite and weight loss: Lowering liver function weakens digestion and decreases appetite. The desire to eat is reduced, and the weight is reduced for no reason. Nutrition imbalances can deteriorate overall health.

Skin change

When cirrhosis progresses, various changes can appear in the skin.

  • Spider: A symptom of a spider -shaped red spot on the skin. It mainly appears on the face, neck, chest, arm, etc., and it is characterized by a temporary disappearance when you press it. This is caused by the lack of liver function, causing vascular extensions.
  • Chief erythema: The palm of the palm of the palm of the normal person can occur when the liver hardens. In particular, it is characterized by a more reddish turn in the inside than the outside of the palm. This is due to vascular expansion, which can mean the progression of cirrhosis.


When cirrhosis progresses, the symptoms of digestive and extinguishers appear.

  • Neighbor and vomiting: Due to the deterioration of liver function, if the toxin accumulates in the body, nausea and vomiting can occur. Especially in the morning, it is often worse, and inconvenience may last after meals. This can make nutritional intake more difficult.
  • Abdominal pain: If the liver grows or inflamed, pain or discomfort can occur in the idol abdomen (right stomach). Pain can appear dull, persistent or intermittently, and tends to get worse after meals. This is due to the expansion of the liver capsule.

Jaundice and related symptoms

If the liver function worsens, symptoms related to jaundice appear.

  • jaundiceBillirubin, a yellow pigment that occurs when red blood cells are decomposed, are not effectively removed from the liver, so the eyes and skin turn yellow. In particular, it is initially observed that the white scholarship of the eye is yellow. When jaundice appears, liver function has been significantly reduced.
  • Color changes in urine and feces: If jaundice has a dark yellowish brown, the stool can turn gray or clay. This is because Bilirubin is discharged into the urine and is not included in the feces. These changes can appear as an initial sign of jaundice.

The initial symptoms of cirrhosis can be very nonspecific and difficult to distinguish from other diseases, so if the above symptoms appear continuously, it is important to be treated by a specialist. Cirrhosis can be found early and properly managed to slow down and reduce complications. Regular health checkups are the key to preventing liver functions and maintaining healthy lifestyles.



Patients with cirrhosis can cause nutritional deficiency due to reducing meals, decreasing digestion and absorption, changes in nutrient metabolism, and increased nutrient requirements. Proper diet when cirrhosis helps to promote regeneration of liver tissue, prevent or improve complications, and maintain the remaining liver function as much as possible. In order to maintain the remaining liver function, it is important to prohibit alcohol and to balance protein, taurine, and green vegetables known as good foods.

Protein foods that are good for cirrhosis

For patients with cirrhosis, proper protein intake is very important.

  • Tofu and beansTofu contains about 40%of protein and has a high digestion rate, so it can be consumed by reproduction or cooking. Because it is cheaper than meat, accessibility is also very good for cirrhosis. Beans are a good source of vegetable protein and helps hepatocytes.
  • Lean meat and fishAppropriate ingestion of protein foods can increase the protein in the blood and prevent fatty liver. It also helps to recover or regenerate cell tissue. However, eating a lot of high protein foods can cause side effects, so it is recommended to consume a small amount.


Various vegetables help to detoxification and recovery.

  • chives: Leek is a clear vegetable that strengthens the liver function that is called ‘liver vegetables’. It protects the large chief, warms the waist and knees, and encourages the human function. Research shows that the rats with long -term leek were suppressed 73% in the liver and 79% in the skin.
  • Wormwood: Mugwort is one of the three largest plants that prevent adult diseases with garlic and carrots. In particular, it is rich in vitamins and minerals that activate liver function, and the liver detoxification and alcohol decomposition are excellent, helping to restore damaged liver function. It is effective in treating jaundice and hepatitis because it has antibacterial action, antibacterial action and repellent.

Seafood to help improve liver function

Seafood contains nutrients that help improve liver function.

  • Moss: Moshi shells are rich in taurine and pumpkin acid, which helps to restore weak liver function. It also contains a lot of vitamin B12 and vitamin A, which plays an important role in liver function, which activates the metabolism of bile and helps to relieve fatigue.
  • Shellfish: Shellfish, such as clams and clams, contains a large amount of taurine, which protects the tired liver and improves detoxification. It is a good idea to use these shellfish to make soup or stew or use it for a base.

Caution for cirrhosis

Patients with cirrhosis must follow some precautions in diet.

  • An alcoholic banAlcohol is absolutely prohibited for patients with cirrhosis. Alcohol overworks hepatocytes and has a bad effect on the liver, preventing damaged hepatocytes from regenerating.
  • Low salt maintenanceIf you have symptoms of revenge or edema, you should refrain from food with a lot of salt. Salted foods and broths such as pickled foods (kimchi, salted fish, pickles, magnetic floods), dry side dishes, ham and sausages should be limited.

Dietary therapy in patients with cirrhosis may vary depending on the condition of the individual, so it is important to consult a specialized diet by consulting with an expert. It is a good idea to maintain regular lifestyles with balanced meals and avoid unproven dietary supplements or folk remedies. Cirrhosis can be slowed down through appropriate management in the early stages, so it is important to keep liver health by improving the right diet and lifestyle.



Cirrhosis is a disease in which the liver function is reduced due to chronic inflammation that normal liver tissue is turned into fibrosis tissue. Liver dysfunction may cause complications such as jaundice, revenge, liver failure, and hepatic encephalopathy. The only complete treatment of cirrhosis is the only liver transplant, but a new treatment method is needed due to the lack of donation organs and the deterioration of patients during the liver transplant waiting. The goal of cirrhosis is to slow down liver damage, prevent complications, and preserve the remaining liver function as much as possible.

Treatment according to cause disease

The treatment of cirrhosis is the basic management of the cause disease.

  • Alcoholic cirrhosis: It is most important to completely stop alcohol intake. If you start this week, liver function can improve, and patients who have already been cirrhized can improve their condition through this week. Drinking more than one bottle of soju (about 80g) is very likely to be cirrhized.
  • Viral cirrhosis: Cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B or hepatitis C requires antiviral treatment. The antiviral agent functions only inhibits the proliferation of the virus, so the removal of the actual hepatitis virus is done by immune cells. Therefore, lifestyles to strengthen immune function are also important.

Drug treatment and precautions

Patients with cirrhosis require special attention to the use of drugs.

  • diureticIf you have revenge, you use diuretics, but you need to monitor carefully to prevent the deterioration of renal function. Patients with revenge may need to be required by consulting with the doctor to require water restrictions. If you have plurality and edema, you should restrict salt and moisture intake, and avoid processed foods, salted foods, and stew soup.
  • Nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory drug (NSAIDS): NSAIDS administration in patients with cirrhosis is related to varicose veins and ulcer bleeding, worsening of renal function, and diuretic insoluble revenge. Especially in patients with cirrhosis with revenge, the diuretics can be reduced to exacerbate plurality and edema.

Latest Treatment: Histot Trip

Recently, new possibilities have been presented in cirrhosis.

  • House: ‘Histotripsy’, a house -based ultrasound -based biostructuring technology, is used to non -invasive cirrhosis tissue, and the improvement of liver function through the regeneration of surrounding tissues is being studied. This technology uses a shock wave with high acoustic pressure to artificially generate acoustic cavity at the ultrasound focus, which physically crushes biometric tissue without heat damage.
  • Research results: In the historic tissue, the degree of cirrhosis is significantly reduced compared to the untreated liver tissue, and the expression of protein, known as the indicator of liver fibrosis, has also been reduced. In addition, the expression of hepatocytes was increased to show effective liver regeneration ability, and blood liver function levels were also reduced to confirm the significant liver function improvement effect.

Improvement of lifestyle

Improvement of lifestyle in cirrhosis is very important.

  • Balanced meal: Protein is needed to help regenerate hepatocytes and maintain good nutrition. It should be careful because it can be consumed in moderation of high -quality proteins such as lean meat, fish, tofu, soybeans, eggs, and milk, but excessive intake can increase the ammonia level in the body to cause liver coma. It is recommended that you eat each protein food by one pong pong size.
  • Regular exerciseAppropriate exercise helps to reduce fatty liver and reduce inflammation. However, exercise can increase the context pressure and increase the risk of varicose veins bleeding, so you must make an appropriate exercise plan after consulting with your doctor. It is a good idea to balance aerobic and strength exercise.

Cirrhosis is a complex process that requires a variety of approaches, such as the management of causative diseases, medication, and improvement of lifestyle. In recent years, new treatments such as histotype are being studied, and treatment options are expected to expand in addition to liver transplantation. Patients with cirrhosis are important to monitor liver function through regular checkups and to receive appropriate treatment according to the doctor’s instructions.



Q: What are the initial symptoms of cirrhosis?

A: In the early stages of cirrhosis, non -specific symptoms such as frequent fatigue, anorexia, and weight loss appear. In addition, the skin may have a spider -shaped red spot (spider hemangioma) or a redstream erythema with red palms. Digestive symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and idol abdominal pain, and if liver function gets worse, jaundice, urine and feces can be changed.

Q: What food is good for patients with cirrhosis?

A: In patients with cirrhosis, appropriate protein intake is important. Tofu, soybeans, lean meats, and fish, such as high -quality proteins, should be eaten, but excessive intake should be avoided. Vegetables such as leek and mugwort are helpful to reduce liver and restore functions, and seafood rich in taurine, such as mossi shells, clams, and clams. Alcohol is absolutely prohibited, and if there is plural or edema, it is necessary to maintain low salt.

Q: What are the treatments for cirrhosis?

A: Cirrhosis treatment depends on the cause of the cause. Alcoholic cirrhosis is essential for a complete week, and viral cirrhosis requires antiviral treatment. If there is a plurality of diuretics, the beta tea unit is used for the context pressure hyperthythia. In recent years, a new treatment method that uses the Sokripola technology called Histot Trip City has been studied to non -invasive cirrhosis tissue and induce liver regeneration.

Q: What are the lifestyles to prevent cirrhosis?

A: It is important to limit or restrict alcohol intake or to prevent cirrhosis. Balanced meals and regular exercise should prevent obesity and fatty liver, and practice vaccinations and safe sexual life to prevent hepatitis B and C. When taking the drug, it is recommended to follow the instructions of a doctor or pharmacist and avoid liver toxic drugs. It is also important to find and manage liver diseases early through regular health checkups.

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