크론병 원인부터 증상, 먹어야 할 음식 vs 피해야 할 음식, 완치 가능성까지 총정리!

Let’s take a look at the causes of Crohn’s disease, Crohn’s disease, Crohn’s disease, and Crohn’s cure. Crohn’s disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, which can occur in any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. This disease is characterized by repeating the process of improving symptoms and deterioration, which requires long -term management. There is no complete cure to date, but you can effectively control the symptoms through proper treatment and lifestyle management.

Crohn’s disease cause

From the cause of the Crohn's disease to the symptoms, the food to be eaten vs.From the cause of the Crohn's disease to the symptoms, the food to be eaten vs.

Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes chronic inflammation in the digestive tract. This disease can occur in any part of the digestive tract and is often caused by young people between 15 and 35 years old. Crohn’s disease is characterized by repeating the process of improving symptoms and deterioration, which requires long -term management. To date, the exact cause of the onset is unknown, but it is estimated that many factors work together.

Immune system abnormal reaction

  • Excessive immune response: Crohn’s disease occurs when the immune system reacts abnormally to bacteria that are normally present in the digestive tract. This excess immune response causes continuous inflammation in the digestive tract, which causes digestive tissue to damage. The immune system is to damage the digestive tract itself in the process of misunderstanding the intestinal bacteria as an external intruder.
  • Autoimmune elementSome studies suggest that Crohn’s disease has the characteristics of autoimmune diseases. Due to the defects of normal immune function, attacking one’s tissue is caused, which causes the intestinal inflammation. This immune function may be triggered by genetic or environmental factors.

Genetic factor

  • Family historyCrohn’s disease tends to occur several patients in the family. Families in Crohn’s disease are reported to increase the risk of about 10 times more than the general public. This suggests that genetic factors play an important role in the onset of Crohn’s disease.
  • Gene mutation: Studies show that more than 200 genes are associated with Crohn’s disease. In particular, the variation of certain genes can affect the regulation of the immune system, which can increase the risk of developing Crohn’s disease. But it is not yet fully revealed what these genes play.

Environmental factors

  • Westernized eating habitsThe recent increase in the incidence of Crohn’s disease seems to be associated with changes in eating habits in modern society. Increasing intake of fast food, junk food, refined sugars, fatty acids, artificial sweeteners, meat, etc. can affect intestinal bacteria, which can cause inflammatory bowel disease. In particular, the incidence of Crohn’s disease is high in countries with westernized eating habits.
  • smoking: Smoking is closely related to the onset of Crohn’s disease. Smokers are about twice the risk of causing cron than non -smokers, and for patients with Crohn’s disease, smoking can worsen symptoms and increase the recurrence rate after surgery. Therefore, smoking cessation is strongly recommended for Crohn’s disease.

Interior microorganism (microbiom)

  • Changes in the intestinal bacteriaRecent studies have shown that changes in the composition of intestinal microorganisms may be associated with the onset of Crohn’s disease. There is a difference in the diversity and composition of the intestinal bacteria between a healthy person and a Crohn’s disease, which can affect the function of the immune system. In particular, the change in intestinal bacteria caused by urbanization, hygiene improvement, and increasing use of antibiotics may be related to the increase in the incidence of Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s disease is a disease caused by complex factors interacting, and it is difficult to explain with only one cause. It seems that the immune system abnormalities, genetic factors, environmental factors, and intestinal microorganisms seem to occur together. Currently, research is continuing to identify the exact cause of Crohn’s disease, which is expected to develop more effective treatment and prevention.

Crohn’s disease

Crohn's diseaseCrohn's disease

Crohn’s disease is inflamed throughout the digestive tract from mouth to anus, especially invading all layers of the intestine. The biggest feature of the Crohn’s disease is that the symptoms and the asymptomatic are repeated, and each patient has a wide variety of symptoms. The most common cases of diseases occur in the menstruation, which is a site where the large intestine and the small intestine are connected, and are often caused by young people between 15 and 35 years of age.

Symptoms related to fire extinguishers

  • colic: One of the most common symptoms of Crohn’s disease, it is similar to the acid that appears intermittently in the lower abdomen. In particular, severe pain can occur in the lower right abdomen, and it tends to worsen after meals. Pain can occur from minor discomfort to severe convulsions.
  • diarrhea: The main symptoms of about 85%of Crohn’s disease are characterized by chronic diarrhea. Diagnosis several times a day, and if the large intestine is severely affected, blood mixture may occur. Diarrhea can suddenly begin and occur during night and interfere with sleep.

Systemic symptoms

  • Weight loss: A symptom of about 1/3 of all patients, caused by an appetite reduction and nutrient absorption disorders. Especially in adolescence, normal growth and development may be delayed, and it may affect weight gain and height growth. Increasing energy consumption due to chronic inflammation also causes weight loss.
  • Fatigue and full body helpless: Chronic inflammation, nutritional deficiency, anemia, etc. causes severe fatigue and systemic weakness. These symptoms can hurt your daily life, especially in the activity period. Symptoms of sweating at night can also be accompanied.

Symptoms around the anus

  • Anal surrounding lesion: In about 30-50%of Korean Crohn’s disease, pathological changes are accompanied around the anus. Hemorrhoids, chiru, surrounding abscesses, and anal wrinkles may occur, which causes anal pain or discomfort. Such a symptom around the anus can appear as an early symptom of Crohn’s disease, which is an important clue to diagnosis.

OT symptoms

  • Joint symptoms: Arthritis can be accompanied by about 25%of Crohn’s disease. It mainly affects large joints such as knees, ankles and wrists, and joint pain and edema appear. These joint symptoms are often related to the activity of the symptoms.
  • Eye symptoms: Eye inflammation such as uveitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis, etc. can occur. Symptoms such as pain in the eye, reduction of vision, etc. may occur, and appropriate treatment is required. Eye symptoms can appear independently of intestinal symptoms, which requires attention.

The symptoms of Crohn’s disease are different for each individual, and the severity of the symptoms varies from minor levels to serious levels. If the symptoms last for more than six weeks and are accompanied by weight loss, you can suspect Crohn’s disease. It is important to relieve symptoms and prevent complications through early diagnosis and proper treatment.

Food to eat Crohn’s disease vs. food to avoid

Food to eat Crohn's disease vs. food to avoidFood to eat Crohn's disease vs. food to avoid

Patients with Crohn’s disease can manage symptoms and prevent worsening through diet. In particular, more careful diet management is needed in the inflammatory activity (flare -up).

Crohn’s disease

  • yogurt: Raw yogurt containing probiotics can be helpful for intestinal health. Probiotics increases intestinal beneficial bacteria to help recovery and strengthen immune function. However, if you are sensitive to dairy products, you can worsen diarrhea or gas symptoms. In this case, you can consider vegetable yogurt as an alternative.
  • Omega-3 fatty fishOiled fish such as salmon, tuna, and herring can help relieve symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in these fish have anti-inflammatory effects, which helps to reduce inflammation that worsens symptoms. It is good to eat 2-3 times a week, and it is recommended to choose low-fat recipes such as grilled or steamed.
  • Cooked fruits and vegetables: In the activity period, cooked fruits and vegetables are easier to digest. Apple sauce, bananas, melon, cooked carrots, pumpkin, and peeled potatoes are good choices. These foods provide nutrients but do not burden the digestive tract. In particular, carrots are especially easy to digest, but also rich in antioxidants, which helps to manage the symptoms of Crohn’s disease.

Low fiber

  • Refined grain: During the Crohn’s disease, high -fiber oil foods can stimulate the digestive tract, so it is recommended to choose refined grains. Low fiber oil serials such as white rice, rice pasta, cream of wit, conflakes, and rice crispy are suitable. These foods provide the necessary nutrients, but are easy to digest and do not irritate the intestines. After the activity period, it is better to gradually increase the intake of fiber.
  • Low fat protein: Low -fat protein such as eggs, fish, shellfish, pig relief, chicken breast, tofu is a good choice for patients with Crohn’s disease. Such protein foods are relatively easy to digest while providing nutrients for tissue recovery. Protein, in particular, is important for helping to restore the intestinal tissue damaged by inflammation and preventing nutritional deficiency.

Food to avoid

  • High fat and fatty food: Avoid high -fat processed meats such as butter, margarine, fried food, high fat meat, and salami. These foods have a long digestion time, resulting in an increase in the exposure to gastric acid and causing intestinal irritation. High -fat foods can also increase inflammation and worsen diarrhea symptoms, so be especially careful in Crohn’s disease.
  • Dairy: Goractose -containing foods such as milk, cream, ice cream, and custard can worsen symptoms for many Crohn’s disease patients. If you have lactose intolerance, you may especially like diarrhea, abdominal pain, and gas. Instead, vegetable milk or lowactose dairy products are often selected, or yogurt and ketair, a fermented product, are often relatively well withstanding.
  • High fiber: Foods with high insoluble fiber, such as raw kale, apple shells, and sunflower seeds, are difficult to digest. It is a good idea to avoid high -fiber oil vegetables such as Brussels Sprout, cabbage, colleaf flower, and asparagus during activity. These foods can stimulate the intestines and cause gas, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

The diet of Crohn’s disease reacts differently from person to person, so it is important to record how your body reacts to the meal. In the symptoms of severe symptoms, you need to maintain low fiber and low -fat diets, and gradually try to eat a variety of nutrients. It is the most effective way to consult a doctor or nutritionist to plan a diet that is right for an individual.

Crohn’s disease cure

Crohn's disease cureCrohn's disease cure

Crohn’s disease has no medical complete cure to date, but it can control the symptoms and maintain long -term relevance through appropriate treatment. The main goal of the treatment of Crohn’s disease is to reduce inflammation, relieve symptoms, and achieve the symptoms (without symptoms) and maintain it.

Induction of drug treatment

  • Inflammatory Control (5-ASA): 5-amino salicylic acid preparation is a drug used for minor Crohn’s disease. The drug helps to relieve symptoms by calming the inflammation inside the intestine. It is mainly used as a primary treatment for patients with poor symptoms, but the effect is limited in Crohn’s disease compared to ulcerative colitis. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and skin rashes, but they are generally safe.
  • SteroidSteroid drugs such as Frednisolone are powerful anti -inflammatory action and are used to treat moderate Crohn’s disease. This drug has the effect of improving symptoms quickly, but it is not recommended as a maintenance therapy because it may cause serious side effects when using long -term use. Steroids are mainly used for a short time when acute seizures are used in a way that gradually reduces the capacity.

Latest biological treatment

  • TNF-α inhibitorsDrugs, such as Infliximab (Remoncade) and Adalimab (Humira), block the tumor monster (TNF-α) involved in the inflammatory process. These drugs are effective for patients with severe cron diseases who do not respond to existing treatment, helping to heal mucosa and long -term relief. Recent studies have shown that early use of biological preparations can reduce complications and reduce the need for surgery. Side effects may include an increase in the risk of infection and a response of injections.
  • Interlukin inhibitorMikijumab (OMVOH), which was approved for FDA in January 2025, is a new biological treatment that targets interleukin-23p19 (IL-23P19). In Phase III clinical trial VIVID-1, 53%of patients with kishumab reached clinical clinical concerns, and 46%visible healing of the intestinal mucosa was observed. It is especially noteworthy that about 90%of patients have maintained clinical clinicals after two years of continuous treatment.

Management through diet

  • Crohn’s exclusion dietary therapy: Crohn’s exclusion diet, presented by the Korean Society of Research, distinguishes foods and limited foods that can be consumed according to the disease activity and related periods. In the activity period, rice, preservative rice noodles, potatoes, chicken breasts, eggs, bananas, and apples are recommended. This diet consists of three stages, and the range of foods allowed to be more and more widened. Appropriate diet management that fits the individual’s condition plays an important role in relieving symptoms and maintaining.
  • Mediterranean dietRecent studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet can help relieve Crohn’s symptoms. This diet is characterized by low red and processed meat and fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, lean meats, whole grains, and small amounts of dairy products. The study showed that about 40.2%of patients experienced symptoms with the Mediterranean diet, which had a similar effect on other diet.

Crohn’s disease is a chronic disease that is currently medical in full swing, but it can maintain a long -term state through the appropriate combination of medication and diet. In particular, the recently developed biological treatments are very helpful in promoting the healing of the intestinal mucosa and maintaining long -term regards. It is important to effectively manage Crohn’s disease through customized treatment plans and regular medical staff counseling.


Crohn's diseaseCrohn's disease

Q: What is the main cause of Crohn’s disease?

A: The exact cause of Crohn’s disease is not yet fully known, but it is known to have a combination of immune system, genetic and environmental factors. In particular, the main mechanism is that the immune system reacts abnormally to intestinal bacteria, causing continuous inflammation. In the case of family history, the risk of developing is increased by about 10 times, and westernized eating habits and smoking also act as risk factors.

Q: What are the most common symptoms of Crohn’s disease?

A: Crohn’s representative symptoms include abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue and systemic helplessness. In particular, pain that occurs intermittently in the lower abdomen and diarrhea that occurs several times a day is a common symptom. In addition, it can be accompanied by the lesion of the anus (chiru, abscess), arthritis, and eye inflammation, and the severity of the symptoms appears to be different for each individual.

Q: What are the recommended foods for Crohn’s disease and what should be avoided?

A: For patients with Crohn’s disease, yogurt containing probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, cooked fruits and vegetables, low fiber oil grains, and low-fat proteins are recommended. On the other hand, high fat and oily foods, dairy products (especially if there are lactose intolerance), high -fiber oil foods, spicy foods, alcohols, and caffeine can worsen symptoms. Each person has a different response to food, so it is important to find a diet that suits you through a meal journal.

Q: Can Crohn’s disease be cured?

A: To date, there is no complete cure for Crohn’s disease, but proper treatment allows you to maintain a long -term state. Dietary therapy for individuals with medications such as 5-ASA formulations, steroids, TNF-α inhibitors, and interleukin inhibitors is important. Recently developed biological treatments have been a great help in promoting the healing of the intestinal mucosa and maintaining long -term regards. It is important to effectively manage it through regular medical staff counseling and customized treatment plans.

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