Let’s take a look at the initial symptoms of gastric cancer, the cause of gastric cancer, the survival rate of gastric cancer, and the foods that are good for stomach cancer. Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the mucous membranes above, and is one of the high incidence in Korea. In the early days, regular checkups are important because there are no special symptoms or only minor symptoms are difficult to find. When stomach cancer is found early and treated, the cure rate reaches 90 ~ 95%, so it is important to know and prevent risk factors and symptoms.
Early symptoms of gastric cancer
Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the mucous membranes above, one of the most common cancers in Korea. Stomach cancer is often difficult to find because of the lack of special symptoms or mild symptoms. Early gastric cancer is often found by chance without any special symptoms in about 80%, so regular checkups are important. It is very important to be aware of the initial symptoms because early stomach cancer is found and treated early.
Difficulty and infringement
- Continuous indigestion: One of the most common symptoms that can occur early in gastric cancer is indigestion. Discomfort or bloating persists after meals, and the symptoms do not improve easily due to general digestive agents. If these symptoms persist for more than two weeks, it is better to consult a doctor.
- Heartburn and chest pain: As stomach acid flows back to the esophagus, pain in the chest may occur. Early gastric cancer with ulcers may have symptoms of heartburn, but most of the digestive symptoms are often indigestible indigestion and often have no direct relationship with early gastric cancer. However, if the heartburn continues or worsens, it is better to take a test.
Changes in appetite and weight loss
- Decrease in appetiteAs usual, you may have symptoms of decreasing appetite or reducing your interest in food. Even if you eat a small amount of food, you will feel full quickly, which reduces the amount of meals. These symptoms are signals that can occur early in gastric cancer, so be careful.
- Reducing weight loss: Losing weight for no special reason may be an early symptom of multiple cancers, including stomach cancer. If you lose weight even though your meals are not changed, you should consult a medical professional. In the early stomach cancer, minor weight loss may occur, and more distinct weight loss is observed in the progressive stomach cancer.
Abdominal discomfort and pain
- Discomfort: Unpleasant or bloating can appear on the upper abdomen area where the stomach is located. These symptoms can occur regardless of meals, and often do not relax with a general digestive agent. If the discomfort persists, it is recommended to check the gastric cancer through endoscopy.
- Vague abdominal pain: In the early stages of gastric cancer, vague abdominal discomfort or pain may occur rather than clear pain. Especially if you have a ‘vague’ discomfort in the upper part of the navel, be careful. Such pain may be worse after meals or to relax on an empty stomach.
Other early symptoms
- Sense and vomitingIn the early stomach cancer, intermittent nausea or minor vomiting may occur. Especially if the nausea is persistent or repeated after meals, you should consult a doctor. If the vomiting is mixed with blood, you should immediately visit a medical institution.
- Tired and anemia: Pine bleeding caused by gastric cancer can lead to iron deficiency anemia. This can easily feel fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath. If you feel fatigue that is unknown, it is recommended to check the anemia through blood tests.
Initial symptoms of gastric cancer are often difficult to distinguish because they are similar to general digestive diseases. Therefore, if you are over 40 years old, it is important to have an endoscopy regularly even if you do not have any symptoms. If the symptoms mentioned above persist for more than two weeks, you must consult a medical professional to get an appropriate test. Early detection can greatly increase the success rate of gastric cancer treatment.
Causes of gastric cancer/survival rate
Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the mucosa above, one of the high incidence in Korea. Stomach cancer is caused by a combination of multiple factors rather than by any cause. Korea’s five -year relative survival rate is 77.5%, which is much higher in the world than the United States (33.1%) and the UK (20.7%). This high survival rate is due to early detection and standardized medical guidelines through regular checkups.
Main cause
- Dietary factor: Salty foods, burnt foods, and smoked foods increase the risk of gastric cancer. Food processing agents, salted foods, processed meats, and smoked foods that contain nitrate compounds increase the risk of gastric cancer. In particular, if you eat high -salt foods frequently and a lot, it is known that the incidence of gastric cancer increases.
- Helicobacter pylori infection: Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the important causes of gastric cancer. If you are infected with this bacteria, the risk of stomach cancer is known to increase by 2.8 to 6 times. If chronic gastritis persists, atrophic gastritis occurs, and if it is old, it is more likely to progress into stomach cancer.
- Chronic atrophic gastritis: Chronic atrophy is a kind of precocious lesion that has a high risk of gastric cancer. It is known for about 16-24 years until it progresses to gastric cancer. It is important to discover and manage atrophic gastritis early through regular endoscopy.
- IntestinalThe intestinal dysplasia of the gastric membrane cells (phenomena in which the small cells of the small intestine appear in the stomach) are known as the previous stage lesions of gastric cancer. If there is a intestinal dysplasia, it is necessary to pursue observation through regular endoscopy. Depending on the degree of dysplasia, the risk of progressing to gastric cancer may vary.
Survival rate of gastric cancer
- Full survival rateAccording to the central cancer registration headquarters released in 2024, the five -year survival rate of gastric cancer in 2018-2022 was 78.4%(79.0%for men and 77.0%for women). This is a significant increase compared to the past, and has been steadily increasing from 43.9%of 1993-1995. Korea’s stomach cancer treatment is excellent worldwide.
- Survival rate by weapon: The five -year relative survival rate of stomach cancer was 97.4%in the localized stage, 61.4%in the Regional stage, and 6.6%in the distance stage. This is a value that shows the importance of early detection, and the more the survival rate is found in the early stages.
Cancer treatment of elderly patients
- Surgery risk factor: If older patients aged 75 or older have been operated by stomach cancer in the second or third stage, the weight, complications, weapons, and gastric resection have been shown to affect the long -term survival rate. In case of underweight, the risk of death was 1.45 times, 2.07 times for complications, 2.61 times the patient with 3 stomach cancer, and the risk of death 1.57 times compared to partial resection.
- Survival rate of elderly patients: The five -year survival rate for elderly patients aged 75 or older who had surgery with more than 2 progressive gastric cancer was 51.4%. In general, considering that the five -year survival rate of the two stomach cancer is 70%and the five -year survival rate of the 3rd stage is 40%, you can expect a good prognosis if you receive the right treatment for old age.
Understanding the cause and survival rate of gastric cancer emphasizes the importance of prevention and early detection. It is important to find gastric cancer early through regular health check -ups, and to reduce the risk of gastric cancer by improving eating habits and examination and treatment of Helicobacter pylori. Korea’s high gastric cancer survival rate is thanks to regular check -up culture, standardized medical guidelines, and excellent medical system.
Food for gastric cancer
Dietary therapy plays a very important role in the prevention and management of gastric cancer. Proper food selection protects the gastric mucosa and strengthens immunity to reduce the risk of gastric cancer. In particular, foods rich in antioxidants are known to help prevent gastric cancer.
Vegetables and fruits
- tomatoTomatoes are effective for preventing gastric cancer and are rich in lycopene. Lycopene removes active oxygen and protects the gastric mucosa to suppress stomach cancer. Studies have shown that the risk of gastric cancer is about 40% less than those who eat a lot of lycopene. Tomatoes are more effective in absorbing lycopenes rather than boiling or fried in oil rather than raw.
- Cabbage and broccoliCabbage heals small inflammation like a camouflage ointment and helps to regenerate cells when there is an ulcer. It is rich in vitamins and contains minerals such as calcium and dietary fiber, making the stomach comfortable and even anticancer effects. Crusades and vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli are known to be especially good for preventing gastric cancer.
Root vegetables and grains
- Garlic and onionsGarlic contains anticancer components such as sulfur compounds and selenium, which prevents the infection of Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastric cancer and gastric ark. Garlic, which is not always missing from anticancer foods, is rich in selenium, which is chemo. It is recommended to eat onions at half every day, and to eat raw for effective intake.
- Brown rice and grain: Grains such as brown rice, crispy, and horses are good for preventing and treating gastric cancer. In particular, brown rice has good vitality, improving its immunity in the body, and vitamin B helps anti -cancer. Brown rice, beans, yulmu, and barley, which are rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates and sugars, and vitamins, are good food for gastric cancer.
Fruits and nuts
- Apple and berryApples contain a large amount of anticancer components called polyphenols that can prevent inflammation and various digestive diseases. This polyphenol can also prevent cancer recurrence because it has a good effect on tumor fighting. Berry is rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which can help restore gastric cancer, and there is a scientific basis for lowering the biometric label of gastric cancer.
- nutsNuts are very rich in minerals, calcium, and fat, so they are good for blood circulation and effective for weight control. Walnuts contain large amounts of omega 3, which inhibit inflammation and inhibit cancer cells. Brazil nuts contain antioxidants called selenium, which helps to remove free radicals.
In addition to diet, regular exercise, smoking cessation, and sobriety must be done in addition to diet. In particular, if you have gastric cancer patients or those with high risk of gastric cancer, it is recommended to eat well -digestive foods. It is important to maintain a balanced diet that allows you to eat enough nutrients without burdening the stomach.
Q: What are the initial symptoms of gastric cancer?
A: At the beginning of gastric cancer, symptoms such as indigestion, heartburn, loss of appetite, and discomfort of upper abdomen may occur. These symptoms are often difficult to distinguish because they are similar to general digestive diseases. If you lose weight for no special reason, or if you have a sense of nausea after meals, or tired and anemia symptoms, it is better to consult with your doctor.
Q: What is the main cause of gastric cancer?
A: The main causes of gastric cancer include Helicobacter pylori infection, salty foods and smoked foods, smoking and excessive drinking, chronic atrophy gastritis and intestinal dysplasia. Especially when infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the risk of stomach cancer is known to increase by 2.8 to 6 times. Regular checkups are essential if there is a family history or a stomach cancer lesion.
Q: What is the survival rate of gastric cancer?
A: Korea’s five -year relative survival rate is about 78.4%, which is high in the world. By weapon, 97.4%in the Localized stage, 61.4%in the Regional stage, and 6.6%in the distance stage. This is a value that shows the importance of early detection, and the more the survival rate is found in the early stages. Korea’s high stomach cancer survival rate is thanks to regular check -up culture and standardized medical guidelines.
Q: What food is good for preventing and managing gastric cancer?
A: The foods for preventing gastric cancer include vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, and root vegetables such as garlic and onions. Brown rice and grains, fruits and nuts of apples and berries also help prevent gastric cancer. In particular, the sulfur compounds contained in garlic and onions are effective in preventing the Helicobacter pylori infection, and the lycopene of tomatoes protects the gastric mucosa. On the other hand, salty foods, smoked foods, and processed meat increase the risk of gastric cancer, so it is recommended to limit the intake.
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