Let’s take a look at the initial symptoms of liver cancer, terminal symptoms, numbers, survival, and liver cancer. Liver cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the liver, and it is characterized by the early days without special symptoms, so that it is called the ‘silent murderer’. In Korea, liver cancer has the second highest mortality rate after lung cancer, and the prognosis is not good unless it is found early. However, if you find it early through regular checkups, the five -year survival rate is 60-70%, so it is important to know the symptoms and prevention of liver cancer.
Early symptoms of liver cancer/terminal symptoms
Liver cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the liver, and is characterized by the initially without any special symptoms, so that it is called the ‘silent murderer’. The liver is the largest organs in our body, which plays a variety of complex roles such as storage, metabolism, detoxification, and sterilization of nutrients. In Korea, liver cancer has the second highest mortality rate after lung cancer, and the prognosis is not good unless it is found early. The liver is also called the ‘long term of silence’, because only 70-80%of the liver must be damaged.
Early symptoms of liver cancer
- Difficulty and poor appetiteIn the early stages of liver cancer, most of the symptoms do not appear, but in some patients, nonspecific symptoms such as indigestion or anorexia may occur. These symptoms are similar to other digestive diseases, so it is difficult to recognize it as liver cancer. In the early stages, these light symptoms are difficult to suspect liver cancer, so regular checkups are important.
- Tired and weight loss: In the first or second liver cancer, you may have a decrease of about 10% of your weight. If you feel fatigue or lose weight, you may have a problem with liver function. The liver plays an important role in energy metabolism, so it is easy to get fatigue when the liver function is lowered.
Symptoms for each stage of liver cancer
- 2 liver cancer symptoms2 liver cancer is a case where several cancers of less than 2 cm have occurred. In this stage, most of the symptoms do not appear. Even if you have symptoms, it is difficult to recognize it as a cancer because most of the minor symptoms such as indigestion. Up to 2 liver cancer, the symptoms are insignificant, and they are often found only through regular checkups.
- 3rd liver cancer symptoms: Liver cancer 3 is a situation in which 2cm of cancer invades lymph nodes or blood vessels. In this stage, symptoms such as indigestion, anorexia, and bloating can be more pronounced compared to one and two. However, many patients still do not feel special symptoms, which may be delayed.
Late cancer symptoms
- Abdominal painAt the end of liver cancer, severe pain may occur in the right upper abdomen, where the liver is located. This pain can suddenly sit down or be extremely extreme. Jaundice is a symptom of a yellow face and white white, which does not appear in the early days and occurs by the end.
- Revenge and difficulty breathing: At the end of liver cancer, the liver seriously damaged and the plurality of times appear. If revenge is cold, the stomach swells severely, which makes it difficult to breathe. In addition, the liver function may be lowered, resulting in a variety of complications because the body’s toxins are not removed properly.
- Severe weight loss and itchingIf you progress until the end of liver cancer, you can reduce your weight by more than 30% of your weight. Because of this, it is helpless and tired, which can interfere with everyday life. In addition, as bile acids increase in the blood, itching can stimulate the skin end nerves, which can cause itching throughout the body.
Liver cancer is initially found in the 5 -year survival rate of 60-70%, but the survival rate drops significantly when found at the end of the year. Therefore, it is important to have regular checkups every six months for high -risk groups such as patients with hepatitis B and C. Since the symptoms of liver cancer are not clear at the beginning, it is the most effective way to increase the survival rate early through regular checkups.
Liver cancer
Liver cancer levels (癌 數 値) are generally meant alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), and are important tumors for diagnosing and progress of liver cancer. AFP is a serum protein that originally occurs in early fetuses, and is characterized by a low level in healthy adults, but rising from about 65%of liver cancer patients. In addition to liver cancer, the levels can be increased in hepatitis and cirrhosis, so they should be comprehensively judged with imaging tests, rather than diagnosing liver cancer alone. Patients with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and cirrhosis, which are high risk of liver cancer, are important to find liver cancer early through regular AFP tests and ultrasound.
AFP normal figures and meaning
- Normal range: AFP’s normal figure is usually less than 20ng/ml. In some tests, you can see less than 7 ~ 8.5 ng/mL as normal. If you exceed this value, you can suspect liver disease or liver cancer, but the higher the number, the more likely it is liver cancer. In particular, if it is more than 200 ng/mL, the possibility of liver cancer is increased, and if it is 500 ng/mL or more, it can be determined by liver cancer at least 90%.
- Diagnostic value: AFP measurement is an important criterion for liver cancer determination. If you have more than 3,000 ng/mL, you can diagnose primary liver cancer with a 95%chance, and in the 200 ~ 3,000 ng/mL range, about 75%are primary liver cancer, and the rest can be seen in hepatitis, cirrhosis, and metastatic liver cancer. However, since about 35%of the actual liver cell cancer patients are normal, AFP levels are normal, so AFP alone cannot diagnose or exclude liver cancer.
Causes of AFP increase in liver cancer
- Increased liver diseaseAFP can also rise in acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, and cirrhosis in addition to liver cancer. In particular, hepatitis B or hepatitis C rises to more than 100 ng/mL, so it is difficult to confirm liver cancer with only AFP levels. Even when liver cells are actively played, AFP can temporarily rise, so be careful with interpretation.
- Other causesIn addition to liver cancer, AFP can also increase in other cancers, such as germ cell tumors, gastrointestinal relations, and biliary cancer. In addition, during pregnancy, AFP rises normally, and is also used to diagnose the fetus neural tube defect (brainless child, this deceiving). Therefore, it is necessary to consider the overall state of the patient and other test results when analyzing AFP numbers.
A comprehensive approach for diagnosing liver cancer
- Parallel with the video test: When AFP levels rise, video tests such as abdominal ultrasound, contrast enhancement CT, MRI, etc. must be performed together. In the video examination, if you see a reasonable finding of liver cancer and high AFP, the likelihood of liver cancer is very high. Especially in patients with cirrhosis, the positive prediction of hepatocytes cancer diagnosis is the highest.
- Use of additional tumor markersIn recent years, in addition to AFP, other serum markers such as AFP-L3 and PIVKA-II (Fibka 2) have been examined to increase the diagnostic accuracy. In Japan, if you meet at least one of AFP> 200 NG/ML, AFP-L3> 15%, PIVKA-II> 40mau/ml, you may use it as a basis for liver cancer diagnosis. In particular, if the AFP-L3 ratio is 10% or more, it is known that liver cancer is very high.
New liver cancer diagnostic biomarker
- Latest research trendIn 2024, Ajou University’s research team announced a new blood biomarker that can diagnose liver cancer in a non -invasive way. In viral liver cancer, ‘SH3PXD2B’ and ‘CD70’ in Viviral Liver Cancer showed high sensitivity and specificity. These biomarkers have confirmed that it is possible to diagnose the first and second liver cancer due to its excellent performance of liver cancer, hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Liver cancer numerical tests play an important role in early detection and progress of liver cancer, but they should be judged comprehensively with other test results rather than confirming alone. In particular, it is important to have a regular AFP and ultrasound every six months. Recently developed new biomarkers are expected to increase the early diagnostic accuracy of liver cancer in the future.
Liver cancer survival rate
According to the recent national cancer registration statistics, the five -year relative survival rate of liver cancer is 39.4%, which is relatively lower than other carcinoma. However, compared to 2001-2005, the survival rate is increasing by 18.8%p, which is significant improvement. In particular, Korea’s liver cancer treatment is excellent in internationally, and is higher than the United States (17.4%) and the UK (13.0%).
Liver cancer survival rate by weapon
- Initial liver cancer survival rate: The 5 -year survival rate for patients with very early liver cancer within 2 cm is about 70%, based on patients with poor liver function. The five -year survival rate of liver cancer patients diagnosed with Korean weapons (only limited to cancer) is 62.3%, which is lower than other carcinomas, but early detection plays an important role in improving survival rate. If you find it early and get appropriate treatment, you will be more likely to cure.
- Progressive liver cancer survival rateFor patients with progressive liver cancer, the survival period is 4-19 months, and the results may be different depending on the chemotherapy reaction. The five -year survival rate of liver cancer patients with remote metastases is significantly lowered, and at this stage, it is mainly aimed at extending the survival period and improving the quality of life. Recently, the survival rate of patients with progressive liver cancer has also improved due to the development of immuno -anticancer drugs and target therapies.
Immune chemotherapy and survival rate
- Survival rate of patientsIn 2025, the latest study shows that the one -year no -no -no -agent occurrence rate among patients with hepatocytes (the cancer has completely disappeared) among the patients with hepatocytes who have undergone immuno -cancer -based treatment, and 55%of the three -year non -preservative rate. This is the result of a standard tumor evaluation criteria superior to the 70%of the patient’s 1 -year no -no -no -birth rate and 42%of the 3 -year no -no -one. Immune chemotherapy is an important treatment that greatly improves the survival rate of liver cancer patients.
- The importance of duration: In the study related to immune chemotherapy, patients who have maintained an immune chemotherapy for at least six months after completion opinions recorded a longer no existence rate. This shows that the duration of treatment has an important effect on the patient’s prognosis. In addition, nine patients were treated with surgical transition, and most of the eight (89%), which were mostly, achieved pathological completion.
New treatment and improvement of survival rate
- Aesopcell’s main treatment effectAccording to the 9 -year long -term study published in 2025, Ixelel’s main treatment improved the survival rate of 37% and showed a 79% risk of the overall survival rate. In the actual clinical environment, the risk of recurrence was 33% and the risk of death was reduced by 67%. This is a treatment option for the patient to lower the risk of recurrence.
- The importance of auxiliary therapyAuxiliary therapy after liver cancer surgery plays an important role in reducing recurrence and increasing survival. However, many patients are having difficulty in treatment due to the lack of liver cancer auxiliary therapy and low market access. It is necessary to expand the application of insurance benefits for treatments that have been proven internationally.
Liver cancer survival rate is continuously improving, especially in the past 20 years, Korea’s liver cancer survival rate has tripled, and has been considered as an exemplary example in the world. Early discovery, appropriate treatment, and the development of new treatments, such as immune cancer drugs, greatly contribute to improving survival rate of liver cancer patients. It should be remembered that early detection through regular checkups is the core of the success and survival of liver cancer treatment.
Food for liver cancer
For liver cancer patients, diet plays an important role in improving treatment effects and improving quality of life. Rather than intensively ingesting certain foods, balanced nutrients are important, and a proper diet considering liver function is required. Foods that help liver cancer patients consist of things that help restore liver function and strengthen immunity.
Vegetables and fruits
- Crusades and vegetablesCross and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and kale are known to help prevent and treat liver cancer. These vegetables are rich in antioxidants to help protect liver cells and reduce inflammation. In particular, the components of cabbage are effective in helping liver detoxification and improving liver function.
- Fruit: Fruits such as apples, tangerines, lemon, and peaches are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which helps liver health. Apple peel helps bile formation, and apples and carrots are effective in detoxify the pollution of blood. In addition, these fruits proliferate the intestinal lactic acid bacteria to form a suit and help to improve the liver vitamin metabolism.
Protein food
- Fish: Blue fish is good for strengthening the liver function by lowering the content of triglycerides. Studies have shown that fish intake is related to lowering the risk of hepatocytes, especially in less fat fish, fat fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. However, patients with a lot of liver function should be careful about high protein food intake.
- pulseBeans such as soybeans, lentils, chickpea, etc. are good vegetable protein sources and can help prevent liver cancer. Beans are rich in dietary fiber, which is good for digestive health, and research may be reversed between soybean intake and liver cancer. The isoflavones contained in soybeans are known to have anticancer effects.
Crynics and dietary fiber
- Brown rice and grains: Brown rice, grain, yulmu, sorghum, barley, etc. are a healthy carbohydrate source. These grains are rich in dietary fiber, helping digestion, and rich in vitamins and minerals to help maintain overall health. Studies have shown that the intake of all grains is inverse with liver cancer.
- Rescue: The decadist eliminates the heat accumulated in the liver, encourages the energy of the liver, and detoxifies it. Drinking a rescue tea from time to time to help liver health. However, some of the herbs and plants can have a bad effect on liver function, so be careful with unproven folk remedies.
The diet of liver cancer patients may vary depending on the liver function and treatment process of the individual, so it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist to configure the appropriate diet. It is important to maintain regular lifestyles along with an exaggerated claim that certain foods can heal cancer. In addition, improvement of lifestyle, such as this week, smoking cessation, and unsanitary food intake, is also an important part of liver cancer management.
Q: What are the initial symptoms of liver cancer?
A: In the early stages of liver cancer, most of the symptoms do not appear. In some patients, nonspecific symptoms such as indigestion, anorexia, unknown fatigue, and weight loss may occur. These symptoms are similar to other digestive diseases, so it is difficult to recognize it as liver cancer. The liver is also called the ‘long term of silence’, because only 70-80%of the liver must be damaged.
Q: What symptoms do you have in the late liver cancer?
A: At the end of the liver cancer, you may have symptoms such as jaundice, jaundice (the whites of the face and eyes turn yellow), revenge (symptoms of water on the belly), shortness of breath, severe weight loss, and systemic itching. In particular, abdominal pain can suddenly sit down or not move, and if the revenge is cold, the stomach can swell severely and make it difficult to breathe. The liver function is lowered, resulting in a variety of complications because the body’s toxins are not removed properly.
Q: What is liver cancer levels and what does it mean?
A: Liver cancer levels usually mean alpha fetuses (AFP), and are an important tumor marker for diagnosing and progress of liver cancer. The normal figure of AFP is generally 20ng/ml or less, and if it is 200 ng/mL or more, the possibility of liver cancer is increased. However, since about 35%of the actual liver cell cancer patients are normal, AFP levels are normal, so AFP alone cannot diagnose or exclude liver cancer. Therefore, when AFP levels rise, video tests such as abdominal ultrasound, CT, and MRI must be performed together.
Q: What is the survival rate of liver cancer?
A: According to the recent national cancer registration statistics, the five -year relative survival rate of liver cancer is 39.4%, which is relatively lower than other carcinoma. However, compared to 2001-2005, the survival rate is increasing by 18.8%p, which is significant improvement. By weapon, the five -year survival rate of the initial liver cancer (public weapon) is high at 62.3%, while the survival rate is significantly lowered if there is a remote transition. Recently, the survival rate of patients with progressive liver cancer has also improved due to the development of immuno -anticancer drugs and target therapies.
Q: What food is good for liver cancer patients?
A: For liver cancer patients, crucifixion, vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, fruits such as apples, tangerines, lemon, blue fish, beans, brown rice and grains are helpful. These foods are rich in antioxidants to help protect liver cells and reduce inflammation. In particular, the elimination of the liver has the effect of eliminating the heat in the liver and encouraging the energy of the liver. However, patients with a lot of liver function should be careful about high -protein food intake, and it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist according to the individual’s state.
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